Kamis, 15 Desember 2011


Say HELLO for all blogger around the world firstly (LOL)
hey guys, long time no posting and share something here made my hand itchy. okay guys, after i spend my bored weekdays at school with many exam i wanna share about what i know and i'm interesting about.
 owyaa~ and i wanna telling you about my boring weekdays after my examination days.
it's 5 days, all of you will says 'hellow, it's just 5 days you're so excessive' BUT, brother and sister (-____-) i'm sure REALLY . it's just like bored competition, i'm not really interesting with it. i still going to school only for saw remedial and i still can smile because there's no remedial in my test (it still some of my test) *ups* 
okey guys, maybe i'm just telling a bored story. but it nice to share it with you all :) 
and enjoying my next post *ayayayaaaaaay* 

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